Christmas Opening Hours 2023

Christmas Opening Hours 2023

We would like to thank you all for your continued loyalty this year. We hope you have a fantastic festive season! Our Christmas opening hours are: Honour Health Jesmond Christmas Eve: closed Christmas Day and Boxing Day: closed 27, 28 and 29 December: open 10am – 4pm...

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Honour Health Visits BTI

Honour Health Visits BTI

At Honour Health we are proud to continually develop our skills to offer our patients a variety of advanced techniques. PRGF (Plasma Rich in Growth Factor) is a therapeutic treatment option used in oral surgery and facial aesthetics. Dr...

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November is Mouth Cancer Action Month

November is Mouth Cancer Action Month

November is here – and it also happens to be Mouth Cancer Action Month, organised by the Oral Health Foundation. Here at Honour Health, our dentists always check carefully for signs of mouth cancer every time they see a patient....

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Meet Dr Matt Joll

Meet Dr Matt Joll

Q1- Tell us about your career. I graduated from Newcastle university in 2001 and spent my first year qualified as a foundation dentist in Sunderland. I then moved to Honour Health (Stanley Dental as was) with a view to staying for a year or two to consolidate my...

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We’ve achieved a 99% recommendation rating!

We’re thrilled to have been awarded a certificate from our third-party review provider, Working Feedback, to say that we achieved a 99% recommendation rating in June 2023! This is brilliant news for all of us here at Honour Health. Gathering regular feedback is...

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It’s National Smile Month!

National Smile Month National Smile Month is here, running from 15 May  – 15 June 2023! National Smile Month is a national annual charity campaign about championing the benefits of having good oral health and promoting the value of a healthy smile. Between 15 May...

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We’ve achieved a 97% recommendation rating!

Working Feedback certificate We’re thrilled to have been awarded a certificate from our third-party review provider, Working Feedback, to say that we achieved a 97% recommendation rating in April 2023! This is brilliant news for all of us here at Honour Health....

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We’ve won a High Achiever Award!

We’ve won a High Achiever Award!

Great news!! We're thrilled to have won a Working Feedback High Achiever Award to celebrate reaching the milestone of 2,500 independent patient reviews! We're one of only 20 UK businesses to win an award, so we're delighted! The top 20 businesses, which are all dental...

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We’ve achieved a 97% recommendation rating!

We’ve achieved a 97% recommendation rating!

We’re thrilled to have been awarded a certificate from our third-party review provider, Working Feedback, to say that we achieved a 97% recommendation rating in December 2022! This is brilliant news for all of us here at Honour Health. Gathering regular feedback is...

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Christmas Opening Hours 2022

Christmas Opening Hours 2022

We would like to thank you all for your continued loyalty this year. We hope you have a fantastic festive season! Our Christmas opening hours are: Honour Health Jesmond Christmas Eve: closed Christmas Day and Boxing Day: closed 27 December: closed 28, 29 and 30...

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