Dr Matt Joll - Honour Health Stanley

Q1- Tell us about your career.

I graduated from Newcastle university in 2001 and spent my first year qualified as a foundation dentist in Sunderland. I then moved to Honour Health (Stanley Dental as was) with a view to staying for a year or two to consolidate my experience- fast forward twenty years and I’m still here! I think the main reason I’ve stayed so long is the friendly and welcoming people of Stanley. I really do feel at home here. It also really helps being part of a progressive, forward-thinking practice. This means I’ve been supported in expanding my skills and growing as a clinician. I have passed the post-graduate MJDF examinations. I have attended the Sheffield university implant course which has given me valuable experience in this area of practice. In the next month I’m going for further trading in Bilboa (Spain). I’m really looking forward to expanding my expertise in this area.

Q2- Why did you become a foundation trainer and tell us a little bit about your role?

During my career at Honour Health I’ve been a Foundation Trainer eleven times. This involves teaching and mentoring recently graduated dentists through their first year in dental practice. This has been thoroughly rewarding and has helped me to ensure I keep up to date. I think the first year in practice after graduating is a really formative year in a dental surgeon’s career and I am pleased when I can help a younger colleague at this time. The Honour Health Team is a very supportive team and we share and cascade knowledge and good practice naturally. I enjoy being involved in supporting younger dentists and creating a work environment where people are encouraged to learn.

Q3 What motivated the role change from NHS to private dentistry?

I have enjoyed a lengthy career spanning 22 years working under the NHS. I now feel my patients and I would benefit from me spending longer with them. I really believe that prevention has to be at the heart of achieving good dental health and having this extra time and working alongside Maria (our hygienist) is in the best interests of my patients. Prevention is absolutely key to ensuring healthy teeth and gums. I am able to take a more proactive approach , a more holistic approach and our patients appreciate the extra time and the prevention led practice. Providing private treatment also allows me to provide treatment plans, techniques and materials that are not available on the NHS.

Q4. Where do you see your dental career taking you in the next few years?

I believe in constantly trying to improve, so it’s continuing to learn and develop in new areas. I am looking forward to expanding my dental implant practice and gaining more experience in this area of dentistry.

Q5. As dentistry can be stressful how do you like to spend your weekends/switch off?

I’ve got 3 sporty kids so weekends at present are spent ferrying them around and watching various sporting event’s- which I love! If I get a chance I’ll pop down to my old rugby club to watch a game and have a pint. I’m trying to keep fit doing a bit of running, one day I might even venture back into the gym………